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  Weeksys & EmbassyIN weeksys& EmbassyIN International Inc.over the years, based on professional and innovative spirit of global intelligent control of the heating system needs to provide solutions weeksys& EmbassyIN International Inc.is the world's leading professional intelligent control heating system one of the manufacturers. Weeksys engineers to years of professional experience to provide a wide range of users worldwide heating products. Plumbing is intelligent control systems and intelligent control electrical heating system, is the global leader in HVAC products. Main products are intelligent temperature control device, radiant floor heating equipment, baseboard radiator, modules boiler products. weeksys& EmbassyIN International Inc. is a manufacturer of water heating equipment, electric heating equipment to meet various conditions of heating demand, such as for housing, public buildings, schools, offices, hospitals, recreation centers, shopping malls, factories, warehouses and space activities in such places as the heating system. In particular, we introduce the smart heating control systems, temperature sensors intelligent control procedures for the control room and outdoor temperature changes required for the heating requirements for a comfortable indoor temperature to conserve energy. The quality of products produced and elegant designs are widely used in large-scale construction world, Europe and the United States was the designer and user favorite ...... Weeksys & EmbassyIN公司多年来,本着专业创新的精神为全球智能控制供暖系统的需求者提供解决方案,Weeksys & EmbassyIN国际公司是全球的专来智能控制供暖系统的制造商之一。 Weeksys & EmbassyIN的工程师以多年的专来经验为全球用户提供多种供暖产品。有智控水暖系统和智控电暖系统,是全球的暖通产品。主要产品有智能温控器、地板辐射采暖设备、护脚板散热器、模块锅炉等产品。Weeksys & EmbassyIN生产的水供暖设备、电供暖设备可以满足各种环境下的供暖需求,如用于住宅、公共建筑、学校、写字楼、医院、体育馆、商场、工厂、仓库及活动用房等场所的供暖系统。我们特别推出的供暖智能控制系统,通过温度传感器智能化的控制程序来控制房间与室外的温度变化所需的供热要求,以达到舒适的室内温度,来节约能源。纯金的产品品质优雅的外观设计被广泛用于世界大型建筑中,深受欧美设计师和用户的喜爱...... 威科供热系统——是设有混水换热调温中心和分集水器组合而成的供热系统。该系统具有大流量的供热方式;智能的设定二次地暖系统供热所需的水温,混水换热调温中心采用比例积分调节温度及流量的四通调节阀,使二次地暖系统的水温更恒定;保持与主管等径的大流量比例调节,以保证二次地暖系统供回水的流量和恒定的温差。 分集水器采用黄铜锻造而成,有二路和三路模块化组合,可以根据场地的需求,任意组合路数,以达到所需要求。每路分集水器可以独自调节温度和流量,使地暖支路水流量分配均匀,以达到房间理想的温度设定。 Weekysys系统解决了市场现有的空调三通阀、生活热水混水阀所带来小流量和温度波动性大的问题,是现代舒适供暖生活得组成.